But seriously, this isn't about pissing people off. Its about stating the honest truth!
I have been a die hard Shakeology fan for almost 2 years now. Its like gold for me. Its not only helped with my weight loss, but its helped with my stomach and digestion issues. Which is a big deal for me. Once I started drinking it I was hooked!!! I also gives me energy which I need with my thyroid issues. It tastes amazing (Beachbody has recently changed their formulas so it DOES taste different, I tried the old stuff about 5 years ago and wasn't a fan but now its totally different!)
I have been asked several times in the last few weeks what the difference between Isagenix & Shakeology. And because I love researching and finding out the nitty gritty details, I thought I'd share it here with you all.
The Isagenix meal replacement shake comes in two flavors; chocolate and vanilla.
Shakeology comes in 7 flavors, two which are vegan: Chocolate, Vegan Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Vegan Tropical Strawberry, Cafe Latte, and Greenberry.
The positives of Isagenix is that it contains 23 grams of protein per serving (compared to Shakeology’s18 grams of protein per serving).
Isagenix, like Shakeology, also contains many naturally occurring ingredients which set them apart from other meal replacements.
However, I have not found other components that set Isagenix apart from Shakeology.
Isagenix contains 1100% more fat than Shakeology (6 grams of fat compared to less than half a gram in Shakeology). Additionally, Isagenix contains more cholesterol, sodium, and overall calories per serving.
Shakeology contains anywhere from 130 - 170 calories per serving compared to Isagenix 240 calories per serving.
Isagenix also lacks the potency of the vitamins and minerals contained within Shakeology; for example Isagenix only has 40% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C versus 300% in Shakeology.
Isagenix lacks vitamins such as B1, B2, and B3; all contained within Shakeology. You have to drink 2 to 4 Isagneix shakes to get the same concerntraion of vitamins and minerals found in just 1 serving of Shakeology.
Isagenix Isalean Shake price…… Each canister costs $ 50.00 and contains a 14 day supply therefore for one month you will need approximately two canisters for a total cost $100.00 plus shipping.
Isagenix does offer a 30 day money back guarantee; however, I do not know if they offer a bottom of the bag money back guarantee like Shakeology does! Yes seriously, you could consume the whole damn bag in 30 days and STILL return it for a full refund. BOOM!
Isagenix is a whey protein shake and does not offer a Vegan Shake without the Dairy protein. This is huge for someone like myself who can't have dairy proteins because I have an intolerance to them.
Shakeology contains 70 of the healthiest and most nutritious foods from across the globe; and they really mean from across the globe! Darin Olien, teamed up with Beachbody to scour the ends of the earth in search of the best ingredients. I am not quite sure I have ever seen a group of people so dedicated to bringing “the best stuff on earth” to our door step!
Shakeology falls at a 24 on the Glycemic Index Scale which is really good news! Foods that are high on the Glycemic Index Scale such as pizza, bagels, ice cream, corn syrup, and mashed potatoes rapidly increase blood sugar and insulin levels. Research indicates that these are contributors to weight gain, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and the good old “energy crash” that many of us experience just after our lunch hour. However, foods that are low on the Glycemic Index Scale such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and of course Shakeology provide a slow sustained release of energy that allows us to avoid the “energy crashing” effect.
Shakeology contains protein and essential amino acids that help us build muscle while also reducing food cravings. The prebiotics and digestive enzymes assist us in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption. The antioxidants and phytonutrients help counteract “free radical damage” that is often associated with degenerative diseases. And last but not least, Shakeology contains our daily dose of vitamins and minerals which provides our body’s with everything that we need to function at our own personal optimal health levels.
You might think that I have to love Shakeology because of being an Beachbody Coach, but I can HONESTLY, tell you this. I don't tell people to spend the money if it isn't good. I have hashimoto's disease and lots of stomach issues and this shake has been an amazing addition in my life because of the lack of FOOD and NUTRIENTS I wasn't getting.