
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Boys Out Number Girls in Our House...

Yep you read that title right, boys out number the girls in our house. There are three boys (sons), my husband vs myself, our daughter and our female cat. That makes the ratio 4:3.

Even though I do have a daughter, I’m still drowning in boy. It’s a good thing I’m a strong mama, a tomboy myself or I’d get lost in all that maleness. 
Here are my top things I’ve learned being a boy mom for the last 12 years.
~Teen boys can eat their weight in pretzels without a single roll of chub appearing on their waistlines. This is not an urban myth; this is the absolute truth. I have witnessed it. (And I’m so jealous.)

~The toilet seat is almost always wet. Never rush to sit down on the toilet, always check the seat first. If I do not check the seat first, I am in for a bad wet nasty surprise. Moms of newly potty trained boys, expect this toilet seat checking will be your life for many years to come. Even when the boys are older their aim does not improve. 
Personal Tip**Beware of using the bathroom especially in the dark without visually inspecting for a dry seat first. I’m serious. Don’t do it. While you are at it check the floor too so you don’t get wet socks.
~Food disappears in bulk fashion in a blink. I can’t say enough about food. They flock to the kitchen when I come home from the store. I can’t keep up with enough food they consume it so fast. If I buy a box of Cheezits, I’m lucky if it lasts 24 hours. It might last 51 hours, but it certainly won’t last 52.  My husband will wait too long for a piece of cake savoring each moment up until he finally decides to eat it only to find someone already inhaled it. You snooze you lose. Label it! We must label our food treasures or hide them.
~The things in your house are all toys. Incessant fort making happens. All things in the house are free game for fort material. Laundry baskets full of clothes, sheets, clothespins, couch cushions, chairs, shoes, blankets, string, bungee cords, books, curtains, bar stools, pillows, and more. They will use every stinking piece every darn time. Forts upon forts.

~Boys must have physical activity several times a day and they throw everything. Boys must climb and stand on all pieces of furniture: chairs, couches, tables, end tables, and railings. They need to get their energy out especially in the winter so I allow this within reason. Learn to dodge flying objects and flying footballs in your spare time. Face it that you will never be good enough to dodge them all. You will get pegged at some point.

~Odors happen. They happen a lot. The smells from the boys will not improve as they grow. Fellow boy moms get used to announcing of farts accompanied by laughter. Get used to accusing and denial of farts too. Some gladly claim them, yet some will utterly deny the silent stink.

~Burping is easy and a skill. Burping is as easy as breathing. I’ve lived four decades and I still can’t burp on purpose but they’ve all figured out how to do that before the age of six.

#10: Boys have their own ideas of what constitutes as fruit. They think fruit snacks are fruit and will argue they are right until their last breath. Maple syrup is fruit too because it comes from trees. Ketchup is fruit too because it’s made from tomatoes. Ketchup will be licked off plates. Syrup too. After all they are fruit, right? 

~I must again mention the stink; it bears the need for multiple mentions. Stink lingers. Shoes and socks can stink up an entire room for days. Febreeze is truly your friend. Bless you Febreeze.

~They fight too hard sometimes. They will fight and hurt each other. They just can’t keep their hands to themselves. To reduce the number of squabbles get a minivan, an SUV, or some vehicle where there can be space between them to save your mama sanity on all family drives.

~It’s never quiet and they are always loud. It is not quiet and it won’t be unless they are asleep or gone.

~Throw balls happens in the living room. Daily. No matter what. You can’t stop it.

I love my boys and being a mom. No doubt I’m outnumbered, but I love them despite their messy, stinky, incessantly hungry, active, bickering sides because they are also sweet and good boys. They make me laugh and we have fun. They are smart, athletic, and creative.

We are Potty School Drop Outs...

I am a potty school dropout. My potty train has jumped the tracks. I have become everything I never thought I’d become. 
Before you start giving me all of your advice, I will lead with this: I potty trained my first three children within a week. With RARELY no mistakes afterwards. And I pretty much thought I was the cock of the walk. I mean, how can people think this is hard? You just get rid of the diapers and set the timers and voila, underpants city. It’s easy peasy to use the potty.
Then came Rowan, child number 4. And the universe sent me a little humble pie: I have been trying to potty train this child for 2 months now. And I got nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Two weeks ago I decided to go "all or nothing". Telling myself real parents don’t give up. Real parents get shtt done. 
We did everything we could right out of the gate on that Monday. We set a thirty minute timer for two days straight. We ate candy. We clapped just getting him on the potty without a fight. The older kids got in on the excitement, high fiving the little bro and sitting alongside him as he did his time on the throne. 
We also did only underwear and plastic covers, which meant I was washing a load of undies every evening...and cleaning shit out of at least 1 pair a day. Whatever, I just wanted to get through to this child and get it done.
But then the screaming started. He would scream and fight me just to sit him on the potty. He refused the potty chair, refused the kid urinal, refused the big potty. Just flat out refused.
And so. Two days after buying a ticket for the potty train, we hopped off. Back to diapers. 
I know. I can’t believe it either. But you know what, it’s just better. 
I’m just over stressing about crap like this. This kid will not go to college in a diaper. Probs not even pre-school next year. And hopefully, we didn’t do any permanent damage with our little attempt at the world free of undies. 
I plan that once school is out, I will just let the little Mr. run around nakie nakie all day and then move into undies when we have some better success. But for now, we are back in diapers for this little dude. And I am officially a potty school dropout. And as much fun as it was to imagine my household diaper-free and to skip down the sidewalk in my dreams, I honestly feel very little stress over the whole situation. And it’s just further proof to me that in motherhood and life, you gotta do what works for you. 
So for now, we’re stickin’ with the diapers. We still promote the potty and have the candy jar out and all that jazz. But as for me, it is what it is.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

365 Active Challenge...

Over and over again you hear about 7, 10 and 24 day challenges. 

I'm a little late to the party but I've decided to take on a 365 day active challenge. 
Last April (2017), I injured my hip.  I was very limited on the amount of working out I could do so I basically quit all together or it at least felt like I gave up! I had become addicted to working out, I spent every spare moment trying to get a workout in, most day I averaged 2 workouts.
This is part of what caused me to get injured and knocked out for 9 months.
So why would I challenge myself to workout every day for a whole year?  
Sounds crazy right?
I have such an all or nothing personality. During the 9 months I was recovering, I focused on what I couldn’t do rather than what I could do so I did very little. 
So for the next whole year I commit to being active, every single day, with a minimum of 15 minutes a day. Almost everyone can spend an extra 15 minutes a day being active. It is an attainable goal. I need to change my mentality and I decided to make it a year of absolutely no excuses.
Everyone wants the results, but no one wants the work. 

I'm sure not every day will be easy. Life will always throw me curve balls. Buts its all on  how I react and handle them that matters. 
I urge you to join me on this 365 day active challenge and stop focusing on what you can’t do and instead focus on what you can do!
You can follow my The Unicorn Mom to follow along each day and see what exactly I have do every day. And of course keep checking back here EVERY Monday for a recap of each week! 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Seeking BFF...

Slightly crazy, anxiety ridden, unicorn loving, super fun mom of four seeks other mom for friendship. Must love food and not mind cussing. Must not judge when I start my third cup of coffee for the day or have 3 cupcakes at my kids birthday parties. Must love cupcakes and coffee. If the potential friend doesn’t like cupcakes or coffee, will consider friend if they at least love chocolate. Must love to go out for ice cream with the kids occasionally as well.

Must not judge me for always wearing makeup and sneakers. Will not judge potential friend ever on any attire, even if attire is stained. 

Must actually love and like to be around our kids. Can understand when you mutter sometimes that they’re driving you crazy. The feeling can be mutual – but must really enjoy them a good chunk of the time. 
Must love to see psychological or supernatural thrillers (without the kids). Must freak out like I do when you know the bad guy is hiding behind the door. Must love horror movies or at least be open to watching them.
Must not laugh when this mom’s cupcakes look like Pinterest fails. Must still want to eat the cupcakes with me. Must eat them with me with coffee or a glass of wine. If the potential friend does not drink alcohol, that’s okay because I rarely do myself.
Must keep it real. Must not get annoyed when this mom freaks out about a lice outbreak at school. Must be such good friend that if household gets lice, friend may be grossed out and wearing a shower cap, but will come over if I get lice (and husband cannot remove it all!). This grossed out but good potential friend of yours (ME) will also come over to your house and pick lice out of your hair for you, too.
Must be willing to have each other’s backs. That means that we stand up for each other, celebrate, and commiserate together. Must not act uncomfortable if this mom ever cries or is upset. The same will be true for you, too. This mom will never judge you if you shed tears.
Must be okay with being on this mom’s emergency contact list. Will accept you as a friend if you like my kids MOST of the time. Must be able to go and get them if the world implodes and my husband and I cannot get to them. Will do the same for you and your kids.

Must laugh at this list. Must say to self: this person is crazy, I like her.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Monday Stats

I know I already blogged today so forgive me! But like I said in the post earlier today Monday's I'll be posting my states and eventually when I grow some bigger balls I'll share my photos. LOL. But I also wanted to show you guys my equipment, and new shoes I'll be using as well.

Monday February 19 States...

175.2 lbs

Biceps - (R) 12" / (L) 12"
Forearms - (R) 9.5" / (L) 9.5"
Chest - 37"
Stomach (at hip bone) - 37"
Hips - 43"
Thigh - (R) 25" / (L) 25"
Calves - (R) 15.75" / (L) 15.75"

Now I already have Beachbody OnDemand, so I already have access to all the Beachbody workouts. However I didn't have the bands or sliders I needed to use during Little Obsessed and 80 Day Obsession. 

I looked at purchasing the ones through Beachbody which I had 3 different options.

Option A: Buy the bands (3 bands) for $15 and the sliders for $30 ... $45 total

Option B: Buy the Obsessed Starter pack that comes with the bands, sliders and containers (which I don't need) for $60 total

OR I could buy the bands and sliders from UK Amazon. 

I got these bands (4 bands) for $21 along with a travel pouch to put them in. And I bought these sliders for $21 ... so $42 total and I got them within 5 days of ordering instead of waiting for Beachbody which usually take a few weeks for me. 

Plus the sliders and bands are cute colors! HA!

So here we go. Time to start this journey. The biggest struggle this week for me will be the new meal plan but I got this guys. The vision of my goal is burnt into my brain. I won't stop or fail!

Accountability time...

First of all, I have a full plate as is. I'm a full time mom and wife, keep a VERY OCD CLEAN house, going to school online full time, doing some major crafts and finally in the clear to get back into fitness. I want to be able to succeed in everything I do and I want to be able to stay on top of priorities. 
So this is me, stating that I will now hold myself accountable for logging my triumphs and successes and goals beat, on this blog every Monday. Monday's will blog will be me checking in about my past week on my journey. Logging my states, sharing my ups and my downs.
Today I get to start my my new life, okay not really but when haven't been able to workout like you're used to for 8/9 months and you finally get the okay. It feels like a new life. Plus guys, I'm PAIN FUCKING FREE! Its been a long  8/9 months of non-stop pain. I feel like a new fucking woman. 
If you know me personally or follow me on any of my social media outlets you already know this but I used to be a Beachbody coach. I am no longer and if you want to know why click here. I've lost 85 lbs from August 2014-November 2015 using their workouts and I was one of their $500 daily winners for my accomplishment. I'm a firm believe in their workouts. 
Anyways, today I am challenging myself to become what I want to be and starting one of their newest programs. I am so excited to be back on this journey. For the next two weeks I'll be easing my way back into regular workouts by doing the "Little Obsessed" Program. After that I will be starting the full "80 Day Obsession" program.
I was on such a plateau for a while and then actual gain 15 lbs since I've been injured. I will be adding in 30 minutes of incline walking 5 days a week as well and slowly working on increasing my speed. I hope to be back to running by my birthday, September 6th, but the dr said he can't make me any promises on the running. 
As for eating, that's a whole other situation. For the past 2.5 weeks I've been following the80 Day Obsessed meal plan but just as I figured my body wouldn't react well towards it. Having Hashimoto's often means I can't follow the "normal" meal plans. My dr is having me try intermittent fasting along with the 5:2 meal plan. 
Intermittent fasting means I'll only eat solids from 12pm-8pm Monday, Wednesday,Friday-Sunday.  The 5:2 meal plan means, five days a week I'll eat normal during my meal window, and Tuesdays and Thursday I'll only consume 500 calories via protein shakes only.
I know to some this seems extreme. But I have to heal my gut and because I have Hashimoto's I can't eat like normal people. I wish I could but I just can't. I'll also be going low carb/keto. I'll be drink my Unicorn Moonshine aka Ketones, 2-3 times a day and only consuming carbs with my first meal.
I am VERY hopefully this will change me, and this will finally help me reach my ultimate goal. 
I am so excited to start working out normal again, I can’t even express through this blog! 
I hope whatever you do in life, you can be as excited about it as I am, and if you are not, then you need to find out what excites you, and GO FOR IT! 
Believe in yourself, or else no one else will!
You can do this! I can do this! We can do this!!!!

10 Things to Clean After the Flu/Sickies Invade Your House...

I'm pretty sure we have have had had one sickness or another in our house every day since the new year. Seriously. Its been bad.

I don’t know about you all, but I am always eager to scrub the crap out of my house after we have had been invaded with any illness. I hate to think of all the germs and grime lingering around the house. And does anyone else's house smell weird after the sickies hit? I swear my kids smell weird when they are sick. Between the runny noses, and constant coughing, the house was ready for a good clean!

Step 1: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

DisinfectantsStore bought disinfectants or wipes  – Be sure to follow instructions on the bottle for directions as it will need to sit on the surface for at least 1-2 minutes to take effect. Wipes may be an easier choice as you just wipe it on and let it air dry.I personally use lysol wipes daily in our kitchen, I use them when cleaning the bathroom and use lysol spray around the whole house.

Microfiber ClothsI generally use my Grove Collaborative cloths when I am concerned about truly getting surfaces disinfected, but I know there are many other brands of cloths out there.  I fold up the cloths into smaller squares so I can switch to a clean square when I change areas and I like to have two cloths – one for scrubbing and one for wiping dry.

Step 2: Let the Sunshine In

Before you get started, try opening the windows up for some fresh air {even if it is just a crack!} and lift the blinds all the way up to let in some natural light.  If you have a diffuser, add some citrus essential oils for a crisp, fresh scent.

Step 3: Get Cleaning

Here my Top 10 Things to Clean After the Flu {or other illnesses}….

1. Bedding, blankets, and other “sick” clothes.

You tend to sweat a lot more when you are sick, so strip down your bedding, gather up any throw blankets from the sofa, and add in pajamas and any other “sick” clothes.  Be sure to check for and treat any stains prior to washing. Run everything on the hottest temperature that the material allows, but be sure not to overload your washing machine.  This, unfortunately, may take several loads!  Pillows can also be washed in the washing machine – just be sure to follow care instructions on the pillow and place two pillows in the load {on their own} to balance out the load.

2. Your Mattress

If there are any fluids that have made their way through the bedding and onto the mattress, be sure to give it a good clean. Even if it hasn’t been hit, it can do with a good airing out, so leave those sheets off all day if you can, and open the windows {if possible} and all of the blinds in the room to allow some fresh air and sunlight to hit it.  You can give it a light misting with the water/essential oil mix or fabreeze (which is what I use) but ensure that you are not saturating the mattress and allow it to dry completely before putting the bedding back on.

3. The Bathroom

The bathrooms will need a good cleaning and disinfecting after illness – especially the sink, faucets, toilet, and toilet handle. I use Method Antibac Bathroom Cleaner in all our bathrooms. Its a disinfectant but has a pleasant smell and gets the job done. I'll spray the toilet and sink with it as well, and let it sit for a few minutes.  Then use lysol wipes to clean and polish. 

4. Your Toothbrush

If you have a cheap, disposable toothbrush that you have used for a while, you may just want to throw it away and get a new one.  For newer or more expensive toothbrushes, add some hydrogen peroxide to a cup {enough to completely submerge the bristles} and allow to soak for 30 minutes.  Rinse thoroughly with water when you are done. OR my favorite option especially is we've had strep throat hit the house, I'll throw all the toothbrushes in the dishwasher and run them with a load of dishes.

5. Towels

Try to change towels daily during an illness and make sure that everyone has their own set.  You may want to try temporarily using paper towels instead of hand towels to make things a little easier and remember to encourage everyone to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly.  Once the illness is over, gather up all towels and wash at the highest possible temperature. 

6. Stuffed Animals and Toys

Stuffed animals can be tossed into the washing machine with the other bedding to give it a thorough cleaning or you can give them a good steaming if they are too delicate to run through the washing machine.  For hard surfaced toys, spray down with lysol and let air dry. If you have a baby who is a chewer, dip the rubber toys in bleach/water mixture, rinse with hot water and let air dry.  Alternatively, you can place them in the top rack of the dishwasher {place small items in a mesh laundry bag} and run them through a cycle.

7. Hard Frequently Touched Surfaces

Germs survive the longest on hard, non-porous surfaces so try to wipe these down frequently during an illness with a disinfectant.  These can include light switches, door knobs, railings, or any other surface that you frequently touch. Disinfecting wipes are probably the best bet because it can be hard to get a spray to sit on the surface long enough for disinfecting.

8. Electronic Devices

Wipe down all electronic devices that have been used such as phones, cell phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, and t.v. remotes using a disinfectant wipe or a slightly damp microfiber cloth using hydrogen peroxide.  Allow to air dry.

9. Waste Baskets

Your garbage cans have probably held a wide variety of nasty things during an illness so don’t forget to give them a good clean once you have emptied them.  You can either give it a good steam or spray with a disinfectant {leaving it for at least a few minutes} before scrubbing.  It is obviously helpful if you can remember to line them with a plastic bags to help contain any germs prior to anything being put in there.

10. The Kitchen

Try as much as possible to keep sick kiddos out of the kitchen.  This is the one time that I am happy to get the kids all of their food, snacks, drinks, and whatever else they desire!  While everyone is sick, wipe down the refrigerator door handle and any other frequently used cabinet/drawer handles daily with a disinfecting wipe. Once everyone is feeling better, I will do a deep clean with lysol wipes to our fridge, counters and sink.  I also spray the cupboard handles and drawer pulls with lysol spray and let them air dry.  

While the list may sound long, it really doesn’t take too long to run through  – other than waiting on all of the laundry!  Remember that if you are able to confine those that are sick to just a few spaces in the home {usually the bedroom, a bathroom, and the sofa!}, it will be a lot less to clean!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Who am I?

Who am I?
It’s a question that haunts me. Its the reason I've been so withdrawal from social media lately.
I’m a wife, I’m a mother. But who am I?
I was driving home the other day from grocery shopping and a song came on from high school.
A song I knew every word to. 
In that moment it became clear to me that, along with music, I’ve let go of many other habits and things I used to enjoy. 
It isn’t that I don’t love being a mother. I really really do. But so many parts about my life have changed, and I’m struggling to catch up with myself.
I became a mom 6 weeks before my 21st birthday so I didn't have too many years to find myself. But now that the baby is 3.5 years old and we are done having babies, I feel like its time to start finding myself again.
For the last 15.5 years my desires, motivations, and spontaneous urges have to be molded around my kids and husband. I have had to consider their needs equal to or above my own in the day to day.
This is good and fine and right.
But somewhere deep down in my soul, I feel lost. 
Just floating furture away but I can hear her tiny voice yelling ...
I often feel isolated, alone, and bored even when the WHOLE family is home with me.

I've been digging deep down and pulling that lost girl out and finding what fills her soul and makes her feel whole again.

I will never have the life I had pre-motherhood, and that’s okay. Cause that girl was a mess.
But I have slowly started to find myself again.
I bought myself my favorite book series and have been re-reading it. Almost finished with it now and have a new series lined up, ready to read next.

I've also started crafting again. My hubs have even promised to buy me some bigger craft items I've been lusting over but haven't bought because of the price and the thoughts that "I'm being selfish".

My identity isn’t lost, it’s just been buried under kids school work, diapers and toys. 
It’s not about finding the old me, but coming to love the new one.
I wipe butts, I wipe tears. I give spankings, I give bear hugs, I help with homework.
And I just know—the old me would be so proud of who I've become.

This is a new season of my life. At first it terrified me, made me feel lost in this big world. But I'm embracing it and learning more about the me that's been hidden by the joys of motherhood and wife-hood.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Full disclosure, I’m a hot-mess mom...

Ok, full disclosure: I’m a hot-mess mom with clean freak tendencies and I’m proud of it.

You’ve seen the saying “good moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty oven and happy kids” 🤔

So according to this saying I’m a bad mom because I keep a clean house?! WTF….like, for real.

I’m no where near perfect and my house isn’t ALWAYS clean. But I prefer a clean home so I do my best.

Do I think I’m a good mom? Yeah, I really do. 

Do I think those who don’t keep their house as clean as me are bad moms? Absolutely not. 

What I do know is we all have our standards and I honestly don’t care what you do as long as it's not considered child abuse.

My tendencies for cleanliness started when I was VERY young. In my bubble of shyness and anxiety that no one knew about, keeping my bedroom immaculately was really the only thing I could control in my bubble.

I don’t have it all together by any stretch of the imagination. I’m not so sure having it together and being a good mom are even synonymous. I don’t think it’s any reflection on, well, anything, in my opinion. 

So, I’m coming forward to say it to everyone...I’m a hot mess mom but I’m also a clean freak. 

And I kinda just want to embrace it and move on, cause I have more important issues on which to dwell.

I am that mom who makes sure most of the dishes at night are loaded into the dishwasher or washed up before I go to bed. Usually mine and hubbies drink cups from that evening get left in the sink until morning. 

I’m that mom who stays on top of switching the loads from the washer to the dryer to the laundry basket. Do I fold them all right away? No, I usually get them done and put away the following day but that’s because it can take 4 hours for a load to dry in our dry. (Gotta love UK dryers.) 

I’m that mom who signs forms the day I get them and returns them the next day. Because I know if they sit on the counter they will disappear and then I’ll lose my mind trying to find them. 

I’m that mom who never misses a birthday party or an appointment because I put everything into my personal calendar and then on our family calendar.

I’m that mom who never forgets to RSVP because I know they are important and I will RSVP even if we can’t attend. 

I AM that mom who screams all morning to get the kids out of the house because one child (cough, cough…Logan) is ALWAYS slower then a turtle.

I AM that mom who lets her kids have endless screen time sometimes (ok, more than sometimes) just because I don’t feel like fighting and need to get a few things done.

I AM also that mom who likes to go to bed with a clean house because I like to wake up and not be stressed out.

I AM also that mom whose kids are safe.

I AM also that mom whose kids are, for the most part, happy.

I AM also that mom whose home has lots of love and laughter.

I AM also that mom who cheers on her kids and is their biggest fan.

I AM also that mom who is constantly working to show her kids they are accepted no matter what.

I AM also that mom who loves being a mom.

I’m a clean freak hot-mess mom.