Ladies and Gents...CALLING ALL ENTREPRENEURS...Let’s stop the word vomit. Shall we?
As the owner of a business myself, and as a mentor to other entrepreneurs, girl bosses, and business owners.. I understand the temptation to word vomit. I get it.. you want people to know how amazing and awesome your product or service is.
If you get nothing else out of this blog, please take this away….
People do not buy products and services from you because of your product or service. They buy your product or service because they know, like, and trust YOU. YOU ARE THE MAGIC.
The quickest way to get people to know, like, and trust you, is by keeping it real, yo! So let’s stop word vomiting all over people about how magical your product is, shall we? NO ONE CARES.
Just be real, be honest, and care about them.
True story. Not too long ago, I got a message from someone I hadn’t heard from in years. When I saw their message in my inbox I was excited and curious to hear from them. Turns out, this person had just started their very first new business. Exciting right?! Well, you’d think so. But the message they sent me was four paragraphs long, ALL about them, ALL about their products, and they didn’t ask me ONE question about myself, how I was doing, or even tell me a little bit about why this would be something I would be interested in.
AKA, utter and complete word vomit.
As a business owner it made me sad for them because I knew it one day they had become “that person” to however many hundreds of people they had sent the same exact copy and past message to.
It all comes down to this – You want people to want to try your product or your service? Then you have to know WHY they would even benefit from it first of all. But you also have to care about them and you MUST keep it real!
Don’t drink the Kool Aid to your own product or service.
You have to know what YOUR truth is.
A great example of this is myself! Before I started my business, I tried the product. But we were broke, and at the time I did not understand the value of Ketones. So, I was just going to try it and send it back for a refund after my 30 day trial.
Soooo sketch and soooo lame.
I, of course, DID NOT send it back because I fell head over heels in LOVE with my beloved Unicorn Moonshine. BUT, I make sure that I tell all of my clients that story, because it’s REAL, and because I want them to know that I understand! I am a person too and I actually care about them.
When you’re having a conversation with a potential client or customer, when you are inviting them to try your product, to try your service, to work with you in some form or another… before you just go out and tell them all about your product or service, you first you have to know WHY what you offer would benefit them. Then, when you have a conversation with them, be more interested in them than you are desperate for them to be interested in you.
Being interested in someone else is the quickest way to make a friend, and at the end of the day, the most loyal customers and clients are the people who know that you actually care about them because you’ve taken the time to ask!
Once you have asked them about themselves and discovered a need you can help with, then you can say,
“Hey! Have you ever hear of _____? I think you would really love it because of _______.”
Let them ask you! Just say, “Hey. I think that you would really like this. Have you ever considered trying this?” And see what they say. If they say, “Yes,” great! You can ask them if they want more information, or how you can help them. If they say, no they haven’t, then you can say, “Well, I think you would really love it. Do you want me to get you some more information on it? Or, do you have some questions that I can answer for you?”
It is so simple to build a relationship with someone. It takes virtually no time. But, word vomit is not the way to do it. If you want to build a very successful business that lasts a long time, then dude, keep it simple. All you need to do as a business owner is fill a need for someone else. That all starts with being more interested in them than you are desperate for them to be interested in you. Find a need that they have, and fill it.
Here’s a little bonus tip for you. Any message that you send to someone about your product or service needs to be three or four sentences long, maximum. If someone sends me a message that’s more than five sentences, I am not answering it. I don’t have time for that. I’m a busy and so is everyone else. Keep it simple. Less is more. Allow them to ask the questions and you will see the success you want as you gain more and more LOYAL clients and customers!
If you’re curious about how you can
work with me and be a part of my Team. I’ll be in touch!