
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Shakeology VS Isagenix ... Who will WIN the epic battle?!

I feel like today's post should really be tilted..."Who can I piss off today". HAHAHA. 

But seriously, this isn't about pissing people off. Its about stating the honest truth!

I have been a die hard Shakeology fan for almost 2 years now. Its like gold for me. Its not only helped with my weight loss, but its helped with my stomach and digestion issues. Which is a big deal for me.  Once I started drinking it I was hooked!!! I also gives me energy which I need with my thyroid issues. It tastes amazing (Beachbody has recently changed their formulas so it DOES taste different, I tried the old stuff about 5 years ago and wasn't a fan but now its totally different!)

I have been asked several times in the last few weeks what the difference between Isagenix & Shakeology. And because I love researching and finding out the nitty gritty details, I thought I'd share it here with you all.

The Isagenix meal replacement shake comes in two flavors; chocolate and vanilla. 

Shakeology comes in 7 flavors, two which are vegan: Chocolate, Vegan Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Vegan Tropical Strawberry, Cafe Latte, and Greenberry.

The positives of Isagenix is that it contains 23 grams of protein per serving (compared to Shakeology’s18 grams of protein per serving). 

Isagenix, like Shakeology, also contains many naturally occurring ingredients which set them apart from other meal replacements. 

However, I have not found other components that set Isagenix apart from Shakeology.

Isagenix contains 1100% more fat than Shakeology (6 grams of fat compared to less than half a gram in Shakeology). Additionally, Isagenix contains more cholesterol, sodium, and overall calories per serving. 

Shakeology contains anywhere from 130 - 170 calories per serving compared to Isagenix 240 calories per serving.

Isagenix also lacks the potency of the vitamins and minerals contained within Shakeology; for example Isagenix only has 40% of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C versus 300% in Shakeology. 

Isagenix lacks vitamins such as B1, B2, and B3; all contained within Shakeology. You have to drink 2 to 4 Isagneix shakes to get the same concerntraion of vitamins and minerals found in just 1 serving of Shakeology.

Isagenix Isalean Shake price…… Each canister costs $ 50.00 and contains a 14 day supply therefore for one month you will need approximately two canisters for a total cost $100.00 plus shipping. 

Isagenix does offer a 30 day money back guarantee; however, I do not know if they offer a bottom of the bag money back guarantee like Shakeology does! Yes seriously, you could consume the whole damn bag in 30 days and STILL return it for a full refund. BOOM!

Isagenix is a whey protein shake and does not offer a Vegan Shake without the Dairy protein. This is huge for someone like myself who can't have dairy proteins because I have an intolerance to them. 

Shakeology contains 70 of the healthiest and most nutritious foods from across the globe; and they really mean from across the globe! Darin Olien, teamed up with Beachbody to scour the ends of the earth in search of the best ingredients. I am not quite sure I have ever seen a group of people so dedicated to bringing “the best stuff on earth” to our door step!

Shakeology falls at a 24 on the Glycemic Index Scale which is really good news! Foods that are high on the Glycemic Index Scale such as pizza, bagels, ice cream, corn syrup, and mashed potatoes rapidly increase blood sugar and insulin levels. Research indicates that these are contributors to weight gain, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and the good old “energy crash” that many of us experience just after our lunch hour. However, foods that are low on the Glycemic Index Scale such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and of course Shakeology provide a slow sustained release of energy that allows us to avoid the “energy crashing” effect.

Shakeology contains protein and essential amino acids that help us build muscle while also reducing food cravings. The prebiotics and digestive enzymes assist us in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption. The antioxidants and phytonutrients help counteract “free radical damage” that is often associated with degenerative diseases. And last but not least, Shakeology contains our daily dose of vitamins and minerals which provides our body’s with everything that we need to function at our own personal optimal health levels.

You might think that I have to love Shakeology because of being an Beachbody Coach, but I can HONESTLY, tell you this. I don't tell people to spend the money if it isn't good. I have hashimoto's disease and lots of stomach issues and this shake has been an amazing addition in my life because of the lack of  FOOD and NUTRIENTS I wasn't getting.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

I've been getting a lot of messages from people who relate to my symptoms and want to find out what steps they need to take to find answers. By sharing my journey, I hope to help you guys uncover what is ailing you and help heal your body. 

I MUST emphasize that you have to be willing to be your biggest advocate and willing to LEARN, read, research. Don't simply rely on the advice of one doctor...especially if they aren't listening to you or brushing you off. And when you do find a great doctor, I recommend educating yourself if you do have a Thyroid condition (I'm much more likely to follow through when I understand the "why" behind lifestyle changes like going Gluten, Soy & Dairy-Free).

For the past 9 years, I haven't been feeling quite like myself. Despite eating clean and working out daily, my results were not matching my efforts. For the last 2 years, I've poured my HEART and SOUL into eating healthy and dedicating myself 100% to my workouts. It's not only demoralizing and frustrating when you don't see's kinda heartbreaking. 

You know it's bad when your husband says, "Wow, you really aren't seeing results- are you eating meals I don't know about?" He was just joking around. My husband is 100% supportive and would love me no matter. I was starting to feel like I was crazy or just being a big baby until he confirmed that this wasn't right. Something was going on with my body.

I know I am don't see me and think "man's she's overweight" and think "she's already lost 85 lbs, why is she bitching" - but I feel like shit, I haven't felt myself for so long and it's physically uncomfortable. I love my body and I think I have a beautiful figure- but it's frustrating when my body isn't responding to workouts and clean eating like it has in the past. 

Weight aside...I just don't feel like myself.  I'm normally a laid-back, optimistic, happy, friendly girl. For the last two years, all of that changed. When out with friends, I can channel the "happy Mandy" but it usually leaves me completely exhausted. And its only a matter of time before the anxiety hits me hard and I want to melt into the ground and cry. I am, by nature, a very introverted girl...but it started progressing to a whole other level with serious anxiety the last few years.

I started writing down my symptoms...even the symptoms that my primary doctor would brush off.  He tell me, "Come see me if it gets any worse." IS worse..that's why I'm here... LOL!

  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Insomnia (Trouble both falling asleep and stay asleep)
  • Tired even after 8+ hours of sleep
  • Low Energy. Tired easily
  • Weakness
  • Stress or pressure exhausts me
  • Stressed out easily (normally a laidback person)
  • Depressed for no reason
  • Loss of Ambition
  • Feeling overwhelmed by Tasks
  • Mood Swings
  • Anxiety
  • Cries easily/randomly
  • Easily angry and irritable
  • Restless
  • Always thirsty! Even after drinking a gallon + of water daily
  • Yawn often
  • Sensitive to Sound and Bright Light
  • Migraines (once a month or more)
  • Mental Fog (really bad)
  • Trouble Concentrating (really bad)
  • Procrastination
  • PMS x100
  • Painful Cramps
  • Poor Memory & Concentration (really bad)
  • Stomach Pain Daily
  • Acid Reflux
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating- I looked 6 months pregnant!
  • Hair Loss
  • Low Libido
  • Intense Sugar and Carb Cravings
  • Nausea after Meals
  • Always Cold- Especially my Feet
  • Weight Gain no matter what I do or eat
  • I start to feel awake and have energy at 7pm
  • Brittle Nails
  • Don't feel like myself
Dang, I'm exhausted just typing that out and shocked that my husband has endured the "sick Mandy" for so long!

After my doctor brushed me off, I just dealt with it. I thought...ok I'm getting older...this is how things are supposed to be...I have to soldier through. Truth be told, I look back and had some of these symptoms for as long as I could remember...other symptoms I can pinpoint starting years ago!

For example: I've always had migraines, even as a child. I remember crying in bed because head hurt so bad. But my dad got migraines so I thought I just inherited them.

Insomnia: I thought maybe it was a side effect of having a children. No seriously I did. Courtney never really slept thru the night and now Rowan doesn't. I just thought it was another lovely mommy thing.

Fatigue: I'm a mom of 4...enough said about that. I'm a very ambitious person so I secretly loved being tired because I felt like it meant I was working hard.  

Finding a Dr: After finally threatening my Dr to go to patient advocacy because he wasn't listening to me, is when he finally decided to listen. I have been battling "hypothyroidism" for 9 years and I've never had a sonogram on my thyroid OR seen an endocrinologist OR even really knew what type of hypothyroidism I suffer from. I finally had the sonogram done and was told I have "Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis". Hashimotos is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid. And in my case has made mine shrink in size and not functioning. After seeing the sonogram results my Dr finally decided it was time to send me to an endocrinologist. 

Tomorrow I have to call my endocrinologist and set up my appointment. I'm nervous, scared and excited. I plan on going in with my list of symptoms, my thoughts and my questions. I'm going in prepared.

But in the meanwhile I've been doing lots and lots of research because like I said above "to be your biggest advocate and willing to learn." 

I will continue to update about this journey because I know so many suffer quietly and never get the answers they want or need. I'm hear for YOU if you ever want to talk. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Google Gobble till you Wobble...

Happy Thanksgiving Friends & Family!

Gobble till you wobble and enjoy time with loved ones!

It's the Holiday Season, so don't be a ******!

Seriously though. I mean it.
Don’t be an GRINCH this holiday season. 

A good chunk of the world will be celebrating the holidays over the next 6 weeks. People all over the world will faced with navigating overcrowded malls, hanging outdoor lights in the freezing cold, and surviving visits from the in-laws. But don't be rude, don't be a cunt, most defiently don't be the Grinch. 
I know, I know you may be secretly wishing ill-will on all of those individuals who put a rush on the holiday festivals before the jack-o-lanterns were put away.  Like it or not the holiday season is upon us. There still may be hope for you  to regain that holiday spirit, find some joy and shed those holiday blues.
Here are a few tips to help you fight the cunt & Grinch inside and enjoy the best this holiday has to offer...
Believe Again– That’s right. Embrace your inner child. Close your eyes and think of the best holiday that you can imagine. Let the nostalgia set in and try to re-create that time. 

Smile– Smiling is my favorite! It certainly is contagious and while you may have lots of stress and to-dos,  make eye contact and smile at everyone you see…even that pesky co-worker or neighbor that you do not particularly like. 

Decorate a tree-It doesn’t take a lot of money to pull this one off. Even if you have to go cut down the ugliest Charlie Brown Christmas tree (preferably not from your neighbor’s yard), do so. String some popcorn, make some home-made ornaments, turn on some Christmas tunes, and rock around the Christmas tree. 

Visit Santa– Santa IS real to those who believe. Go put on your best tacky Christmas sweater and gather your friends and/or family members, take a seat on the jolly old elf’s lap and take advantage of a great photo op. (Be careful, you may have just found a new holiday tradition.) 

Resurrect those wacky family traditions– You found them to be normal as a kid but realized as you matured that they weren’t exactly “normal.” Buy/Make your family matching holiday attire (even if your family consists of your two cats/dogs/guinea pigs), play candy land, watch your favorite holiday movie, find the hidden pickle in the tree, or hang bagels on your tree (for the half Christian/half Jewish families). Whatever your family traditions may be, pick one and enjoy the memories it brings. 

Indulge in some sugary goodness– Tis the season for candy canes, hot cocoa, and fresh baked cookies. You may not have the metabolism of an 8 year old any longer but do yourself a favor, let out your waistband and enjoy the sweet yumminess.  When in doubt just add sugar and syrup!! 

Let your voice be heard– Go carolling or crank up the holiday music on your way home from work and SING at the top of your lungs! So what if people think you are nuts if you carol by yourself or you are caught at a red light doing your best Mariah Carey impression. Just remember the words of  Buddy the Elf, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” 

Get outside and enjoy the elements – Make snow angels or build a snowman. If you happen to live in the South where the temps vary between 20 degrees and a smoldering 80 degrees in December, put on your Santa hat along with your swim suit and do a cannon ball into the neighbor’s pool. 

Enjoy some libations– Put on your best dickie turtleneck a la Cousin Eddie and kick it old school with some homemade eggnog. If you are not into eggnog, make a new holiday beverage your bitch for the night! Cheers! 

Spread Goodwill– Do good deeds for others and you will surely feel the reward of spreading joy and hopefully gain some for yourself in the process. Pass along a compliment, carry someone’s goceries to their car, buy a stranger a cup of coffee or my favorite...donate to Toys for Tots!

Kidnap a Kid– Not literally, but this one is for those without children. Borrow a friend’s child for the day. Take them to see Santa, decorate cookies, make a gingerbread house, or go shop for their Mom and Dad’s presents. Just witnessing the excitement through the eyes of a child may help you set the mood for the season. 

Be Self-Indulgent– That’s right. You have already spread goodwill by doing a good deed for others. Now, go buy yourself a gift and open it on Christmas morning like a wild animal. Bring back an old favorite toy or those toe socks that Auntie Sue sent you every year until you were twenty! 

Try a few of these tips and let your inner-child shine this holiday season. And maybe, just maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Giving Circle".."Money Looms"...SCAM!!!! RUN!!!

It's the new hot tread and its all over Facebook.... 

'"Need extra cash??? Wanna get paid $800...

Black Friday is in a week and do you really wanna struggle on making that car note or rent payment..
Hop on the money train...all you need is $100, a PayPal account, and the WHATS APP...
Let me know if you're interested in joining the team!!! The money is moving fast, don't miss out..."

Seriously guys! I hope you instantly thought to yourself, “That’s a scam!” We all know it, and most of us have learned the hard way... If it's too good to be true, it probably is!

But people still join them and do you know why?! Its because THEY ARE LAZY and WANT A FAST MONEY. Do you know what happens when you are lazy and want fast money? You get SCREWED and no money!

The person trying to "help you in the group" tells you that they help each other attain additional funds for whatever...right now its for Christmas Shopping. And of course they explained that it is not illegal. And how it's just a simple way to give gifts of money and in the end have that gift returned to them with a much higher value than you had originally 'gifted'.

These gifting circles induct women into the group for a specific amount of cash, as high as $5,000. The groups are made up of 15 women, called a circle, but of course it’s a pyramid. Eight women on the bottom layer, then four, then two, and one at the top. The woman at the top collects $40,000 when the bottom level is filled, which happens when each of the eight newest initiates give her a $5,000 “gift.” Once she gets her "gift", she leaves the group, which splits in two. Remaining members move up a level, and both groups start looking for new members.

They’ll need 16 to pay out the new woman at the top. If by some miracle 16 new people are found, 32 more will be needed. To get to your line, 64 more will need to be found. For every one of those 64 people to get their cash back, another 1024 women will have to buy in. See where I’m going with this? It collapses, usually after one, possibly two rounds of payouts.

That woman at the top? She’ll be telling you all about how you got in early. You didn’t. While the person trying to bring you in might be a friend, the leader cashing in is a career con artist. However, in very rare cases, the circle might run through paying three or four individuals. There’s potential for subsequent women getting their “gifts” to have been ignorant of the crimes they’re committing. But authorities say that’s very rare simply because so few people ever get paid. Nine out of ten women lose their entire investment. The leader cashing in is not naïve to what she’s doing.

They are fraudulent. They are illegal. 90% of the people who “invest” in them will lose their money.

And when you lose your money? The two friends you invited to participate in the circle will lose theirs too.

Even if you get in early enough and manage to cash out – left in your wake will be a whole bunch of women who lose their “investment” – and the longer it goes on, the more people will lose.

Do you really want to be a part of that?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hard time with a diet?

Have you ever had a hard time with a diet?

Let’s just say you are physically not happy with yourself, so what’s the first thing you think of?
“I need to diet!” “I need to lose weight!” “I need to get skinny!”

Sound familiar?

Girl, of course they do! Why do those phrases sound familiar? Because every single one of use women on this god’s green earth, have spoke those same exact words when we were not happy with where we were physically.

So we decide to make a change.

But what comes with this change?

99% of the time it’s something drastic… like a complete overhaul! You have to start counting calories, macros, fats, make sure you are eating between this time and this time, and don’t eat this and don’t eat that. Or you resort to something even worse, popping pills, sticking on patches or drinking all your meals!

Usually when we make this change, we are hoping for quick results.
                            “I want to lose 20lbs in a week!”

Um…. sorry girlfriend, that’s not gonna happen! There is no such thing as losing weight fast, and it being ... 1. healthy for you, and 2. being something that you can maintain.

Don’t worry, I am not judging you if you have succumbed to one of those trends, I mean girl, I have done my fair share of garage diets to try and lose weight….

Hydroxycut, Medi Fast, Atkins or fancier term….. South Beach Diet, Advocare, 
Intermitted fasting, Carb Cycling, you name it…

and every single one of those i failed at and THANK SWEET BABY JESUS that I did! 

You know why, because those are not ways of living!

You are suffering, you are abiding by some instructions and some rules that DO NOT FIT WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE! And what is worse, some people end up trying to change their lifestyle in order to stick with these fads….

Then they get fed up, depressed, shits not working, or I am gaining weight back twice as fast as I lost it, and guess what….


Truth is, there is all types of advice online, social media is blowing up with all these diets, quick fixes, cleanses, etc that tell you that you can drop this much weight in this amount of time… but what they don’t tell you is everything that comes with it.

Unnatural supplements, shakes, patches, pills, foods, etc…. ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU! While you are trying to lose weight and you are putting horrible substances in your body, yes you could lose weight, but as you doing more damage than good inside? And how are you truly feeling on the outside?

If I can give you one piece of advice and something that I hope you listen to, is always listen to your body! If something doesn’t feel right (like heart palpitations, over exhaustion, starvation, etc) that means DROP THAT DIET LIKE A BAD HABIT!

Here are a few things that you can do instead
  1. Add more veggies. Don’t focus on cutting sugars, carbs, caffeine, etc. Focus on adding more good stuff in. Then you won’t feel like you are depriving yourself and you are getting full of the good stuff and won’t want to eat junk.
  2. Realize that it’s a lifestyle change. If you want true happiness and health and have a body that you always wanted, realize it’s not going to happen over night, it’s not going to be an easy journey, and that you need to celebrate every small success from choosing broccoli over breadsticks to dropping a pant size. TREAT YOURSELF!
  3. Last but not least. Love yourself as you are NOW! Know that you are worth a battle, you are worth the investment of time and energy that it takes to make healthy changes. Know your worth and that you deserve to feel good NOW while working towards where you want to be!
Also, if you would like to know more about finding inner strength to help you reach your goals click here .... HERE!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Courage or Comfort...

We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. -Rising Strong

We can choose to be brave and take chances on things that could change our lives, whether it’s being vulnerable, going after a promotion, traveling, going all in in a new relationship or starting a journey in health and fitness.

Or you can choose comfort, to settle where you are because you are scared of the unknown and you rather be content with where you are instead of taking a risk of failing!
Well I am here to tell you to have the courage! Take that chance! No what if you fail!!! What if you succeed???

No I won't put down my phone...

If you are on social media at all you know that there are quite a few articles going around about being on our cell phones too much. How we need to put them down, hide them, ignore them.
While there is some good advice there, my first thought is usually something like, “Well, try being a Military spouse.”
Between having kids in school and at home with me, having a husband who is gone a lot and making money online using my phone to do so, I will not be putting my phone down anytime soon. My phone is my lifeline and I really haven’t always had it. I didn’t even get a smart phone until 2010.
There are many reasons why people say we shouldn’t always have a phone in our hands, but Military spouses, well we NEED to have a phone in their hands.
Why? Because…

Our spouses live in our phone.

When your husband is gone and you only get to talk to them on the phone or over video chat, they live in your phone. That is your relationship. You are not going to be able to walk away from your phone for long. If you do, what happens if they call? You will miss the call. That is a hard thing to deal with. Thank God for technology and cell phones. Without them I would never be able to leave the house, because I'd fear missing his call. It would kill me to come home to a message knowing I missed his call. It was SO nice to know I won’t miss his call just because we were out doing something. So no, I am not going to put my phone down so I miss his call.

Our friends live in our phone.

Military spouse friends move away. Then they live in our phones, they live on Facebook and that is where our relationship is. I have a handful of friends I will text or message throughout the day. It keeps us connected and makes it seem like they are not quite as far away. When you are having a bad day, it can be helpful to pick up your phone and text a friend or check out their photos on Facebook. It makes you feel better and can keep your mind off of missing your husband.

Our family lives in our phone.

Only a small amount of Military families live close to their own family. Most of us live far enough away that the phone is the way we communicate with them. Text or FB messager is a great way to keep in touch and not lose contact with one another. Sometimes my family will Facetime/Skype me and it is fun to do that with them.
I hate phone shaming in general.

Yes it is possible to be on your phone too much, to ignore people while you are on it and to get sucked into the online world, but overall, a smart phone adds to your life.

So, Military spouse, don’t feel bad if you always have your phone on you. You need it. You rely on it. It is a tool you are using to make your life a little easier. No one should shame you for it. If they are, they just don’t get it so don’t let them bother you.